Perseverance Is Critical to Our Personal Success

You cannot give up no matter how dark the hour seems.  When we go through life meeting challenge after challenge it is very tempting to let nature take its course and do what it will with our lives.  But the most successful people have two gifts: first, they believe in themselves.  Second, they struggle on against all diversity.

But persevering does mandate hitting your head against the wall.  There are times when we must make changes in our strategies to meet new needs, or to overcome unexpected obstacles.  When it comes to achieving financial independence the unflagging spirit always looks for new ways to achieve its goals.

Suppose you have been turned down by a bank for a loan.  Should you keep applying for loans elsewhere, hurting your credit for two years?  If you think your credit may be that bad then before you apply for the loan you should weigh your options.  Maybe going to the high-risk lender first is the better choice because they are more likely to give you credit and you'll only have 1 credit check on your record.

These are the kinds of small changes we can make in our lives everyday to move our financial success forward.  Instead of setting ourselves up for failure we want to set ourselves up for success.  Even small successes can count for much when they are managed carefully.

You may read about people who have left jobs and careers to start their own businesses and think, can I do that?  And the truth is that not everyone can start their own business.  Or any business you start may only have limited success.

But you will never know unless you try.  All you need is an idea, a belief in yourself, and the patience to be persistent.  You could become the next big name even though today no one knows who you are.