My Family Are Not Political Pawns for Republicans

American families are threatened by Donald Trump and the Republican Party. They don't care
about our health, our safety, or our lives. They just want our votes so they can continue to
oppress minorities and enrich their friends. It is time to vote Democratic to save our country!

I have had enough of the Republican Party and their love fest Donald Trump. How can so many people holding public office sacrifice the interests of their states and country for the ego of one sick man? He's not even a man. He's a pale imitation of a man: a failure in business, a failure as a husband and father, and a failure as a leader. Donald Trump has led our country into the worst crisis in more than 60 years.

He didn't preside over the crisis, he made it. He made the Covid-19 recession through indifference, ignorance, and bombastic bluster. He doesn't care anything for Israel, the police, our constitution, or the lives of the people who voted him into office. Millions of Americans realize they voted for the worst-possible candidate in history. But not Republican politicians.
What will it take to teach the Republican Party what family values really mean? When will they stand up for the constitution and protect the rights of citizens to peaceful protest without having to face relentless police brutality?

And why didn't they start talking about impeachment when Trump threatened to use the military against his own people? Why didn't the Republican Party do anything when the President did use the military to attack peaceful protesters so he could stage a phony photo of himself holding a Bible?

He didn't even attempt to say something profound and hopeful. He just glared at the cameras and held up the book he has probably never read in a church he has never visited before.

Republican members of Congress have shamed and embarrassed this country for 4 years. They flocked to the Trump banner like religious zealots. They did this out of a self-serving desire to entrench themselves in office. But now it looks like these fools will pay the price for their disrespect to America's heritage and people.

And yet I am deeply saddened by this state of affairs. It should never have come to this.

The political party that identified itself as the party of family values in the 1990s has proven to be the party that throws families to the wolves. When I read about people celebrating their families and family traditions, I can't imagine they are Republicans.

I feel disloyal to my own family, many of whom voted Republican all their lives. I'm glad my grandparents aren't here to witness the shameful behavior of the party they supported for so many years. I cannot believe they would vote for such heartless, soulless candidates who left defenseless women and children to die on the southern border because of one man's racism.

How can anyone call themself a patriotic American if they continue to support this vile disease of a man who has dishonored our flag and our laws?

We may no longer be in shutdown but our fanilies are still at risk from the Covid-19 virus. It's as dangerous today as it was 3 months ago. The pandemic isn't over and it's not just an old people's disease. Now more young people than ever are being hospitalized for Covid-19 because they listened to Trump's foolish and ridiculous claims.

You're not immune because you're young. Once you get this disease it will run its course through your entire body. It's not a flu. It's not a flu-like illness. The symptoms are horrible even for people who don't have to go on ventilators.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to put their friends and families at risk by contracting and spreading this disease.

Please, please wear masks, maintain social distancing, and put your selfish partying on hold until we have a vaccine. You don't have the right to put other people's lives at risk just because you're bored.

You do have the right to be stupid and to believe everything Donald Trump says. I pity anyone who still supports this monster politically or morally. He's not worth the thousands of lives he has cost us.

I will vote blue this fall. Everyone in my fanily will vote blue. We are done with the Republicans. We feel betrayed and we will let them know just how betrayed we feel in November.