Republicans Are Socialists Too

The Republican National Convention of 2016
Republicans are hypocrites for using socialism to benefit themselves.


It infuriates me to see Republican candidates for political office use the word "socialism" to brand their Democratic opponents as if they are traitors to the country. The Republican Party has supported socialism ever since it began in the 1800s.

Socialism is baked into our constitution. The constitution created the post office and mandated the construction of postal roads for delivering the mail. That's socialism. The constitution also gives Congress the authority to regulate commerce - socialism in action - and to raise taxes and create such services and offices as will serve the needs of the country. Again, that's socialism.

The socialism the Republican Party wants you to fear is the brutal dictatorship of communist leaders like Joseph Stalin, Mao Ze Dong, and Kim Jong Un. Their brutal governments murdered millions of people whom they were supposed to protect.

The Democratic Party doesn't behave this way.

Cuban socialism is used to strike fear into the hearts of Cuban Americans. But the Castro dictatorship was brutal because he sought to hold on to power. Socialism itself doesn't harm people.

Thanks to good, old-fashioned American socialism, our great country has many good things including:

Public school systems

Public libraries

Public parks

Electrical generation systems

Port facilities

Passenger trains and railroads

Roads and highways

Plentiful lumber and oil

All of these resources that support our economy and our way of life are owned or administered by national, state, or local governments. Our Federal Communications Commission regulates how telephone networks and Internet service providers work. Our Federal Trade Commission regulates how businesses interact with consumers.

Republican politicians support these agencies and programs. It was the Republicans who insisted on opening up national lands and sea zones to lumber and oil companies.

Socialism has been a great thing for the Republican Party. They use it to enrich their wealthy benefactors and they use it as a club to beat down their Democratic rivals.

The Republican Party has acted more like the Communist Party than the Democrats. And yet the Republicans have fooled millions of Americans into believing that the Democratic Party will take away our freedoms and destroy our economy.

The last time I looked at the news, the U.S. economy was well destroyed and that was because the Republican Party refused to follow up to the C.A.R.E.S. Act.

Democratic principles are socialist principles. Socialism taken to the extreme results in a national government owning and controlling all means of production. But that was never a threat to the United States' way of life.

Our country thrives on cooperation between people, on sharing resources for the common good. Every day millions of people travel on Interstate highways that are one of the greatest products of American socialism. Every day millions of families and businesses draw on electricity generated by dams built and owned by the federal government.

The Republican Party doesn't oppose socialism. It opposes freedom of knowledge and the growth of personal wealth. The Republican Party insists on denying the benefits of fair and inexpensive health care to more than 10 million families. And yet they have no problem with funding state Medicaid programs.

Once a socialist, always a socialist. The Republicans are full-blown, dyed in the red, white, and blue socialists. They manipulate national resources for the benefit of their wealthy supporters. They should come clean about what they are doing. They should be honest socialists so we can all move forward together.

That is what government is for - to improve the common welfare. That's socialism. And it's written into our constitution. If Republicans are true constitutional conservatives, they will agree that we are all socialists and stop using this word as if it's unclean.

The dishonesty of the Republican Party infuriates me. They treat their constituents as if they are ignorant fools. And the most shameful thing in all this is that millions of conservative American voters happily play the role assigned to them.